Odd Fellows help spread Christmas cheer to nursing home residents

SUBMITTED PHOTO - Members of the Shenandoah lodge of the Odd Fellows visited the Shenandoah area nursing homes recently.

SHENANDOAH – Some members of the Shenandoah lodge of the International Order of Odd Fellows stopped by the two nursing homes in the Greater Shenandoah area spreading some Christmas cheer.

Members visited the Shenandoah Manor Nursing Center in town and the Ridgeview Health and Rehabilitation Center in Shenandoah Heights with cards and candy canes.

The lodge is seeking new members to continue their volunteer efforts and said they hoped to provide some Christmas cheer to nursing home residents with few family members left.

After years of little activity, the lodge began renewal efforts in recent years.

Pictured above from L-R: Emily Fritz, Linda Fritz Dargis, Tommy Dargis, Tim Haun

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