North Schuylkill Landfill wind-up remains in limbo

SHEPPTON – The 17 member municipalities in the North Schuylkill Landfill Association are considering an agreement that would see the association dissolve with each member receiving more than $200,000. If one municipality backs out, the windfall could wind up in court.
East Union Township supervisors voted to approve the agreement that would split the remaining funds of the association with all members.
The North Schuylkill Landfill Association has existed in limbo since the landfill itself closed in 1990 and the transfer station built at the site was sold in 2010.
The association has been working toward winding down and dissolving. It has just over $3.5 Million on hand that it plans to split evenly between the 17 member municipalities.
All but four are considered “charter,” or full members. Four — Ashland, Gordon, Butler Township, and McAdoo — are not.
East Union Township Supervisors Chairman Kyle Mummey said the township would receive about $204,000.
“If this goes to litigation, that money could be held up in court for a long time,” he said.
Attorney Donald Karpowich said that the deal is contingent on all municipalities agreeing.
“Unless they get Frackville on-board, I’m not necessarily sure it’ll happen, but I think if 16 other municipalities agree, it might help in getting Frackville on board,” Karpowich said.
At Shenandoah’s council workshop Monday evening, Council President Joe Boris spoke of the landfill association situation.
He said Shenandoah is one of the founding members of the association. The sticking point, he said, is an allegation that the charter members have paid into the association annually over the years, and the four non-charter members have not.
Boris said that the borough only received a request for a meeting when questioned on a release agreement by Councilwoman Katie Catizone.
The borough received a letter from Ron Jordan, Frackville Borough Council President, noting that there are issues that need to be addressed.
A date has not yet been set for such a meeting.
In November, multiple Ringtown Valley municipalities said Frackville was putting up a roadblock to the wind-up of the association.
For some members, like Union Township and Gilberton Borough, $200,000 is a massive amount compared to their budget, Ringtown and Union Township solicitor Robert Matta said.
Charter members of the association are Delano Township, East Union Township, Frackville, Gilberton, Girardville, Mahanoy City, Mahanoy Township, Ringtown, Rush Township, Ryan Township, Shenandoah, Union Township, and West Mahanoy Township.
Non-Charter members are McAdoo, Ashland, Gordon, and Butler Township.
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