Mahanoy Little League commemorates 26 years of field lighting

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL: Members of the Lighting Project committee for Mahanoy City Little League. From L-R David Morgan; Steve Kozie; Jerry Mrozcka; Mike Ansbach; Tom Ward III, for the Ward family; Ron Malafarina; Brian Finneran. Missing from photo: Bob Ryan and William Morgan.
MAHANOY CITY – A few weeks shy of 26 years ago, a committee came together to help the Mahanoy City Little League install lights at the field. Saturday morning, that group was recognized during opening day festivities.
“We’d like to take a second to honor the men that helped that project which allowed us to play well past sunset,” Brian Finneran, league president, said during the festivities.
A plaque on the press box recognizes them as Robert Ryan, William Morgan, David Morgan, Thomas Ward, Sr., Thomas Ward, Jr., Steven Kozie, Jerry Mroczka, Tyrone Malafarina, and Michael Ansbach, with sponsorship from the John B. Rich family and their companies.
The lighting project was formally dedicated on May 2, 1998.
Committee members or family members thereof who were present were invited to throw out the first pitch.