Mahanoy Elks honor essay, poster contest winners

SUBMITTED PHOTO - Row 1 (L to R) Poster Winner: Miranda Johna Herrejon; Essay Winners: Allison Knecht, Grade 6; Sophia Dower, Grade 7, Hailey Hall, Grade 8. Row 2 (L to R) Fred Klock, Committee Coordinator; Teresa S. McCord, Exalted Ruler; Scott Phillips, Committee Coordinator.
MAHANOY CITY – Tuesday, the Mahanoy City Elks Lodge 695 honored the winners of their Americanism and Drug Awareness contests.
Students submitted their essays and posters to committee coordinators and winners were selected.
The winners go on to be judged by Elks Committees at the District level and then to the state and national levels should they win in their district.
The students were commended for their excellent work put into the contest and were presented a certificate and small token of appreciation.
The first place Americanism winners will be invited back to read their essays as part of the Lodge’s Mandatory Flag Day Program on June 14th.
Americanism Winners:
Row 1 (L to R) Grade 6: Eduardo Vinas Vega, 1st place; Emily Frye, 2nd place; Flor Altuna Luna, 3rd place Grade 5: Gabriella Price, 1st place; Briella Delluso, 2nd place; Chaise Jones, 3rd place.
Row 2 (L to R) Grade 8 Tanner Roberts, 2nd place; Hailey Hall, 3rd place; Teresa S. McCord, Exalter Ruler; Grade 7 Sophia Dower, 1st place; Isaiah R. Ramierez, 2nd place.
Missing from photo: Coordinator: Gerard A. Kufrovich, PDD; Mady Ryan, 8th Grade, 1st place winner and Mayken T. Ozuna, 7th Grade, 3rd place winner
Drug Awareness Winners:
Row 1 (L to R) Poster Winner: Miranda Johna Herrejon; Essay Winners: Allison Knecht, Grade 6; Sophia Dower, Grade 7, Hailey Hall, Grade 8.
Row 2 (L to R) Fred Klock, Committee Coordinator; Teresa S. McCord, Exalted Ruler; Scott Phillips, Committee Coordinator.

Row 2 (L to R) Fred Klock, Committee Coordinator; Teresa S. McCord, Exalted Ruler; Scott Phillips, Committee Coordinator.