LETTER: Rita Anczarski, Democratic candidate for Schuylkill Co. Commissioner

The Shenandoah Sentinel welcomes candidate announcements and letters, like this one, ahead of the Nov. 7 election. Details can be found here.
Rita Anczarski began a teaching career at St Patrick’s, Pottsville and served 12 years in the US Army Reserves. A former Shenandoah Valley School Director, Rita was appointed as President for the fourth and fifth years of a six year term. Rita lived in both Philadelphia and Chester counties, working as a homeless advocate, Children and Youth caseworker, high school teacher and School Psychologist. Rita has a Masters in Counseling from Immaculata University and a Doctorate in School Psychology from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.
Rita grew up in Shenandoah, Schuylkill county in a family that believed in faith and integrity of person. Leaving in 1983 on a sabbatical, Rita extended her leave due to marriage. Upon returning home after the death of her husband, Rita Baldino was embarrassed by the sexual harassment accusations levied at one of Schuylkill’s Commissioners. Rita is running for office to restore “Grace and Dignity” to political leadership in general and specifically here in Schuylkill County.
One of the biggest problem facing Schuylkill county is the limited tax revenue we receive from our aged residential structures and the need to continue services on an austere budget. I am hoping to engage philanthropists, successful businesses and non-governmental organizations to assist in the provision of services, even when they have to cross municipal boundaries. ONE SCHUYLKILL, moving forward.
Another problem facing Schuylkill County is the outflow of prisoners to other counties. It may not be fiscally responsible to build new so I am proposing the Bethesda Model used in Philadelphia to take a dent out of homelessness. I believe a new model of transitional care homes would be both fiscally responsible and offer creative mental health services to end recidivism, especially with our non-violent population.
Transparency has also become a topic at weekly commissioner’s meetings.
I believe that integrity is sorely lacking in many politicians. I have lived a life of integrity and service to underserved populations. I am positive that I can increase transparency in governance and restore faith in at least one government official.
Running for County Commissioner was an easy decision. Should I win, governance will be much harder. I am asking ALL of Schuylkill County to partner with me and the elected team by adding your thoughts to our leadership. I will welcome many to an inner advisory council as long as you’re willing to come with solutions to help solve the problems in our communities.
I am respectfully asking for your vote on Tuesday, November 7th .