LETTER: Republican candidates for Shenandoah Borough Council

The Shenandoah Sentinel welcomes candidate announcements and letters, like these, ahead of the Nov. 7 election. Details can be found here.
The following are campaign letters submitted by the three Republican candidates for Shenandoah Borough Council, who are running as a team.
Joseph Gawrylik
A graduate of Bloomsburg University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Welfare and National School of Health Technology Philadelphia as a surgical technician is seeking a seat on Shenandoah Borough Council along with two other teammates, Joseph Robert Boris and Mike Zeckie Uholik. Gawrylik’s premise is the need for leadership advancement and future endeavors in regards to monetary accountability, honesty, fairness, and respect to all individuals having the right to know within limitations and legal boundaries the sharing of information with all council members.
There are many first things which need to be addressed in the borough. For instance the lingering of borough streets within the community. Houses and buildings which collapsed or are ready to collapse. Trash laying on porches or sidewalks. Safety within homes regarding multiple family residents which not only needs code enforcement approval along with our fire chief and a third party certified inspector and to make sure families are residing in a safe environment pertaining to foundations, electrical wiring, bearing walls, heating units along with proper entrance and exits in case of any catastrophes while residing in their homes.
An area which needs support is our police department to make sure our community is not discriminating against our laws and ordinances.
Our ledgers and books will be opened to all state authorities and officials in order to receive grant money from local and state levels.
Another piece on our agenda is the Shenandoah Pumping Station in which I had the opportunity to speak with several people about the beautiful job and achievements done at the facility. I explained that we will meet with their representatives and discuss any and all possibilities to help fulfill their needs in order to rebuild this facility. Another request of interest by a scout leader was the Boy Scouts having a facility with camp grounds. This would contribute with working and helping around the facility under the supervision of the scout leaders and representatives of the Pumping Station Club. Therefore, helping them to earn their merits in scout rankings.
In closing, as a retired Schuylkill County Children and Youth employee, our party asks the voters of Shenandoah stand behind the three of us to help put the community in a better direction which we know we can accomplish.
Thank you,
Joe Gawrylik
Mike Zeckie Uholik
I am a lifelong resident of Shenandoah who got interested in vying for borough council because of my opposition to the sale of the water authority and the impact that it would have on Shenandoah’s residents and businesses.
My early work history started with the Shenandoah water company for 13 years and moving onto and retiring as a correctional officer working in Schuylkill County, Graterford, and Mahanoy prisons.
I was a volunteer coach and umpire at the Shenandoah Little League trying to mentor our youth for 16 years.
I feel that I could affect the change that is needed to move Shenandoah in a positive direction. This could be accomplished by upholding Shenandoah’s small town values based off my civic minded work/volunteer history.
I would appreciate a vote to move Shenandoah in the right direction.
Joseph Robert Boris
My name is Joseph Robert Boris. I was appointed to the Shenandoah Borough Council in January of this year to fill the term of Eileen Burke.
I have come into this position on council for positive change. In the past 10 months since on council, I was the point person in working with PPL to upgrade our 420 street lights to LED lighting with no additional cost to the borough.
As chairperson on the Law & Order Committee, I implemented monthly meetings with the chief of police and the mayor. This was sadly missing for many years.
I was on the record and made a motion in our July meeting to discuss the upcoming sale with Aqua and place the sale to the current customers on the election ballot. My motion was denied at that meeting. My main concern was the value of the land, water, and equipment was valued by Aqua at $25 Million but we were selling for $12 Million. Land and water is an expensive commodity and will only go up in value.
I have a degree in business management and marketing, working 38 years until my retirement at Elbeco, Inc., a multi-million dollar company, in having the role of Corporate Engineer and Facility Manager. I was in charge of costing, payroll, manufacturing, and production in a union environment.
My community involvement is Financial Secretary of the Knights of Columbus, Shenandoah, Council 618; member of the Frackville Elks; member of the Shenandoah East End Field and Stream; and I am currently a musician with the Shenandoah All Stars, Shenandoah Upper Schuylkill Band, and the Good Times Band. Living in Shenandoah, I started my own successful real estate company, JSB, LLC, so I understand blight issues and unqualified landlords.
My work history, community involvement, leadership skills, and working attitude to get things done is what I bring to council and the Citizens of Shenandoah. I ask for your vote on the election Nov. 7.
Joseph R. Boris.