LETTER: Michael Whitecavage, Democratic candidate for Shenandoah Borough Council

The Shenandoah Sentinel welcomes candidate announcements and letters, like these, ahead of the Nov. 7 election. Details can be found here.
Michael J Whitecavage
- 1977 Graduate of Shenandoah Valley High School
- Former Council Member 4 Years
- Former Mayor
- Chairman MABS. Municipal Authority Borough Shenandoah 5 Years.
I am a lifelong resident of the borough. I have been involved in many activities within the borough throughout the years. President and Coach on the Shenandoah Jr Blue Devil Organization. 15 Years. Life Member of the Columbia Hose Fire Co.
Employed by Big Lots Distribution Center for 23 Years, currently an Operations Manager.
Many things have drawn my interest since I am now involved back in politics in Shenandoah.
Our town needs to move forward from all the negative and misleading issues involving the sale of the MABS water authority. I would like to see that the money the borough has received from the sale is invested into interest bearing accounts with the interest on those accounts going to, lets say, equipment needed for improvement of town. Blighted buildings must come down and we need to utilize matching grants and push our county and state to help in making that happen.
We need to push Aqua who now has purchased the water authority to work with the borough and come up with a 5 year plan on when they are going to replace water lines. Only then can the borough move forward on the street paving. Common sense says why waste money and have the streets dug up to be paved again. That is wasteful spending we need to avoid and I am willing to work with council to ensure the right decisions are being made.
As I have stated before I am 100% behind seeing recreational activity which included the Pumping Station Dam. I am looking to work with council to have a lease agreement worked out with the our partners that are working diligently on this project.
These are just some of the things I have on my agenda and I’m willing to work with council to make some of the above mentioned. I’m asking for your support to help me make this happen. I will say again Common Sense will save us dollars and cents. Especially with the windfall from the sale of the Water Authority. Vendettas and Non Sense will not move the town forward
I believe we need a strong police presence in town and will work with the Mayor to ensure that happens.
Respectfully Vote For
Michael J Whitecavage