Holiday train display continues in Shenandoah

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - Ryan Examitas, right, and Jaiden operate the controls of the train display at Shenandoah Ambulance on Dec. 29, 2024.
SHENANDOAH – A holiday train display continued to brighten spirits this year in Shenandoah.
Tom Rentschler, an emergency medical technician for Shenandoah Ambulance, has set up the display for the past few years at the ambulance building on North Main Street.
It features some local landmarks and other unique touches.

When the display was set up in 2022, Rentschler told the Sentinel, “The older I got, I got into trains more and more, but I had no place to really set them up. Three years ago, we set a small one up and everybody kept asking how many trains do you have. I said quite a bit, but I have no room to really set them up.”
Many of the landmarks are hand-built, like the Beaver Brook Breaker.
A new touch this year was a scavanger hunt, challenging visitors to find different landmarks and items in the display.
The display held several open houses this month, including one Sunday night.