Girardville, Ashland fire to hold carbon monoxide alarm installation drive in April

GIRARDVILLE – If you live in Girardville or Ashland, have a fossil fuel-based heat source, and need a carbon monoxide alarms, you’ll be in luck in April.
The Girardville and Ashland Fire Departments, in conjunction with the American Red Cross and Salvation Army, will host a carbon monoxide alarm installation drive on Saturday, April 18, according to Girardville Fire officials.
In Girardville, volunteers will meet up at the Rangers Hose Company on Ogden Street in the morning before heading out to install.
“Residents must register and must use fossil fuels in their residence to qualify,” Girardville Mayor and Rangers Fire Co. Lt. Michael Zangari told the Sentinel Wednesday evening.
Zangari said residents of Girardville can call Fire Chief Frank Zangari at 570-276-6922 to register, and residents of Ashland can call borough hall at 570- 875-2411.
Michael Zangari added that volunteers from the two departments will likely be aided by Mountain View Restoration of Jim Thorpe, as in prior years.
“John and his crew are big supporters of our volunteers,” Michael Zangari added.