Gilberton appoints Van Allen as Mayor; William Hannon resigns
Antalosky, Brassington appointed to council

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL FILE - Newly-appointed Gilberton Mayor Michael Van Allen stands in the meeting room at Gilberton's borough office on Sept. 24, 2020.
MAHANOY PLANE – Gilberton has a new mayor and two new council members, following a borough council meeting Thursday night akin to musical chairs.
Council took action to fill the remainder of the late Mayor Mary Lou Hannon’s term during the New Business section of the meeting. Hannon passed away on August 27. The meeting was held at the borough office section of the wastewater treatment plant in Mahanoy Plane.
Councilman William Hannon, Mary Lou’s husband, raised a motion to appoint council Vice President Michael Van Allen to the post. Councilman Lloyd George seconded the motion.
Council President Daniel Malloy noted that Continental Fire Chief Frank Jackowiak had expressed intent to fill the post.
Councilman Mark Kiersey raised a motion to appoint Jackowiak, receiving no second.
Council proceeded to vote for Van Allen to fill the post, with all members voting yes, with the exception of Van Allen himself, who abstained.
“Thank you for your faith in me, people,” Van Allen said. “I will do everything to uphold it with dignity and honor.”
Recognizing the late Mayor

Following the vote, Paul Domalakes, solicitor, presented a resolution to council recognizing the services Mary Lou Hannon.
“I did this on my own, and you guys can consider it,” Domalakes said, saying it’s customary when someone in such a position who’s had such an impact passes away.
The resolution reads: “Whereas, Mary Lou Hannon served as the duly elected Mayor of the Borough of Gilberton, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania for over twenty years; and
Whereas, Council is desirous of expressing their appreciation for the dedicated, tireless, and determined service of Mary Lou Hannon and her unswerving devotion to the betterment of the Borough of Gilberton and its citizens therein; and
Whereas the entire Borough is saddened by the untimely death of Mayor Mary Lou Hannon on August 27, 2020;
Now, therefore, be it resolved this 24th day of September, 2020, the Gilberton Borough Council recognizes and honors the life and service of Mary Lou Hannon to the Borough of Gilberton and hereby declares the 5th day of December, 2020, Mary Lou Hannon Day.”
December 5 is her birthday. Council voted unanimously to pass the resolution.
Husband resigns
Immediately afterward, William Hannon passed along a handwritten letter of resignation to Malloy.
“Fellow councilman, I, William J. Hannon, resign from borough council effective as of the end of the meeting tonight,” Malloy said, reading the note. “Thank you all for your help and guidance during my time on council.”
Malloy then asked for a motion to accept the resignation, made by Kiersey. George seconded, “with regrets.”
Council voted 3-0 to approve.
“Thank you for everything,” Malloy said.
“Before you leave, I just want to thank you and your family for the sacrifices that you’ve made through the years for this borough. I’ve only been here 15 years, but you’ve been a friend,” Van Allen told William Hannon, as he shook hands with councilman.
Filling the gaps

Council moved to fill the vice president role left open by Van Allen, appointing Kiersey to the role by a 2-0 vote with Kiersey abstaining.
“We need two councilmen,” Malloy said, as council began deliberating on the matter. “We have 30 days.”
George suggested Christine Antalosky, the former secretary/treasurer. Antalosky expressed concerns with the fact that she is receiving payment for training the current secretary/treasurer.
“I’ll check on that,” Domalakes said.
George then suggested Fire Marshal Barry Brassington.
“He moved out of the borough,” Malloy said.
“Your address still leaving here?” George asked Brassington, who answered to the affirmative.
“I thought he said he moved over to Barnesville,” Malloy said.
“No, I’m working on a house, I didn’t move anywhere yet,” Brassington responded.
George motioned to appoint Antalosky and Brassington to the two vacant council seats. Kiersey seconded, and the motion passed 3-0.
Van Allen will be sworn in tomorrow, and will subsequently swear in Antalosky and Brassington.
Very well deserved, congratulations Mr. Van Allen!