Frackville teens to address Teener field drainage for senior project

By Kaylee Lindenmuth
FRACKVILLE – Two Frackville teens requested permission Wednesday to undertake a project to alleviate drainage issues at the Teener league field.
Jake Nahas and Robert Oravitz, both North Schuylkill students, spoke to council about their project.
“For our senior project, we chose to address and correct the drainage issues at the Frackville Teener league field. As many of you are aware, this has been a problem for many years,” said Nahas. “In addressing this issue, I was able to acquire, through Home Depot, all of the drainage pipe and sleeves to complete the project.”
Nahas noted that all materials were donated by Home Depot, with the assistance of David Seresky, who Nahas thanked. Nahas noted that two other individuals had offered their assistance with heavy equipment and such. Manual labor would be performed by Nahas and Oravitz.
The project is estimated to last a day, and alleviate drainage in the area of the baselines, installing 250-feet of pipe to drain water out to a nearby alleyway.
Council approved the project unanimously.
“Alright, boys, good luck on your project,” said council president Ron Jordan after the vote.
In other business, council
- Conditionally approved $20,000, from its grant funding for the pool, to Aquatic Facilities Design Inc. for the design of the pool.
- Approved payment for a roads project, including a change order of $7,604.62, at a final cost of $116,207.21. According to public works director Donald Zimmerman, the additional cost was a result of a decision to scratch coat a portion of Spring Street prior to repaving.
- Approved the use of the borough gymnasium for October 5-7 for Frackville Midget Football’s chinese basket auction, the use of the gym two days a week for a walking group from Diakon through the fall, winter, and spring, and the use of borough council chambers for health and wellness meetings for Diakon.
- Took no action regarding Gravestone Films’ request to film in the borough of Frackville.
“At first, it was doable, but, since then, we got so much more, and it doesn’t meet our criteria for the ordinance,” said council member Stephen Tertel.
“What they described as the hours and the types of activities, I have a tough time recommending to council that they close down borough streets to accommodate this type of hours of operation and these activities,” said solicitor Mark Semanchik. “I could not recommend to council approving their application.”
Gravestone had circulated via Facebook a notice to Frackville residents regarding the filming project, noting it was a horror-comedy web series, and noted it had permission from borough police and council, though this was the first it had been brought up at a council meeting. - Noted that there will be a scoreboard dedication for the Frackville Mountaineers on Saturday, August 18 from 5pm to 8pm.