Frackville seeking building and maintenance supervisor; sets minimum tax sale bid

FRACKVILLE – Borough Council here approved vacating the building and maintenance supervisor position, seeking a new one, and also set a minimum bid for private and repository tax sales.
The moves were made at Thursday’s regular council meeting.
Councilman Brian Russell made the motion to vacate the building and maintenance supervisor position, which was approved unanimously.
He followed up with a motion to advertise to fill the vacancy and to seek seasonal street workers.
In other business, Councilman Ed Beneshunas made a motion to direct Solicitor Mark Semanchik to set a $12,500 minimum bid for private and repository tax sales.
The motion approved unanimously.
Ringtown Borough Council approved a similar motion at their regular meeting.
In other business, council made several motions pertaining to the police department.
Council advertised for full-time police officers once again, with an application deadline of April 30.
They also approved a motion to purchase, through a grant, handguns at a cost of $2,405; office computers for $5,845; radios for $18,029.02; and security upgrades for the office and rear door for $7,200.
Council split 4-2 on a vote to hire Bryce Dragna as an administrative assistant for the police force. Councilmen Russell and Steve Tertel voted no, while Beneshunas, Steve Kuzio, Russell Cunningham, and Charles Berger voted yes.
Council also voted to seek a grant for the High Street Complex. The grant is administered by the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resource and would go towards restrooms at the Little League and Softball fields.
They also approved the 2024 road program, purchase of a street sweeper attachment for the skid loader, and the installation of a new door at the rear entrance to the borough building.
A Memorial Park clean-up will be held on May 18 at 10am and council approved the summer food program to use the park Monday through Friday beginning June 3 and ending August 16.
Mayor Kim Phillips said the food program provides a “very well-balanced meal” and is provided by a county grant.