Frackville Council fills vacancy, hires part-time police officer

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SENTINEL PHOTO - Charles Berger, right, is sworn in by Mayor Kim Phillips, left, as a Frackville Borough Council Member on March 14.
By Kaylee Lindenmuth
FRACKVILLE – Frackville borough council filled two vacancies Wednesday evening, one on council and the other on the police force.
Under the Personnel Report, nominations to fill a seat on council vacated by Karen Domalakes.
Council Vice President Peter Zuber nominated former member Charles Berger, while member Paul Martin Sr. nominated William Creasy.
A roll call vote was taken, with members Stephen Tertel and Martin voting for Creasy, and Russell R. Cunningham III, Helen Miernicki, Zuber, and council president Ron Jordan voting for Berger.
Berger was subsequently sworn in by Mayor Kim Phillips.

Also sworn in at Wednesday’s meeting was a new part-time police officer.
Council hired Kai Apel as a part-time officer, who, according to Chief Rick Bell, has a year’s experience working as a police officer in Schuylkill County.
In other business, borough council:
- Approved the purchase of new ticket books for Frackville Police
- Approved a proclamation regarding revised and updated Emergency Operations Plan from Schuylkill County.
- Acknowledged challenges regarding demolition orders on Lehigh Avenue
- Tentatively accepted a bid from EK Services of New Cumberland, $7310 + $3000 for materials to repair 3rd and Arch, on the condition that an expected bid is not lower.
- Approved 2018 Road Project
- Approved Streets Dept. to apply for Multimodal Transportation Grant and Green Light Go Grant
- Retained professional services to open an underground tank on South Lehigh Avenue
- Approved Frackville Pool Committee to use borough letterhead in request for donations from businesses
- Retained Karen Domalakes as head of pool project, and point of contact for the borough