Football helmet returns to Main and Centre

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - Joe Alshefski puts finishing touches on the football helmet at Main and Centre Streets in Shenandoah on August 12, 2024.
SHENANDOAH – Kickoff is just under two weeks away, which means its time for a Shenandoah tradition.
Volunteers were at Main and Centre Monday afternoon painting the traditional Blue Devils football helmet.
The tradition dates back to at least 2000, back to Joe Ruth’s tenure as head coach.
This year, the helmet has two numbers on it, in memory of former players Mike Reese and Brian Rooney.
A few years ago, when Main Street was scheduled to be milled and resurfaced during the football season, volunteers also painted a helmet at the base of Stadium Road, at West Centre Street, which has continued to this day as well.
After the helmet was complete, several Blue Devil players posed for a photo while the area was still coned off.