Fire company seeking tax increase from valley communities

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - A Ringtown Valley fire truck leads a procession under a flag arch in downtown Pottsville on August 30, 2020.

RINGTOWN – A valley fire company is seeking a tax increase from the communities it serves to help offset rising costs.

Representatives from the Ringtown Valley Fire Rescue company visited came to the Union Township Supervisors meeting Tuesday to present the proposal. They also visited Ringtown Borough Council Monday, Bob Matta, solicitor for both municipalities, said.

“Every year over the past few years, the fire company has been making less and less and less, but the cost of everything has gone up and up and up,” Fire Chief Joe Gilbert told the supervisors. “We’re putting out more than we’re bringing in over the past four or five years.”

The fire company is seeking a 1.25 mill increase from both municipalities. They currently receive 3/4 of a mill from each. One mill in Union Township brings in about $28,000, Matta said.

Gilbert said the borough asked for a meeting and Supervisors Chairman Jeremy Rhoads said the township is willing to meet with the borough and fire company jointly.

Matta suggested bringing in legislators as well who may be able to provide grant opportunities.

“Everything we have is old,” Darrell Laudeman, a member of the company and former township supervisor, said. “Our trucks are past their useful life, per NFPA standards.”

“It’s getting to the point where it’s getting next-to-impossible [to upgrade],” Laudeman said. “All of our rescue tools are old. It’s time to update them.”

Supervisors did not vote on the matter at Tuesday’s meeting.

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