Engineer provides update on Pumping Station revitalization

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - The Pumping Station Dam, seen on August 20, 2024.
SHENANDOAH – Shenandoah Borough Council received an update from their engineer on the Pumping Station Dam revitalization project last week.
M. Chris McCoach, engineer with Alfred Benesch and Co., told council about a recent meeting with PADEP regarding the former recreation area and water source in East Union Township.
“It went well. I think we’re all onboard with DEP, they’re onboard with us, with our approach on what we need to do to get the Pumping Station Dam into regulatory compliance” McCoach said.
He said preliminary options include raising the dam by 1.5 feet, lengthening the spillway by 64 feet, a combination, and doing embankment and overtopping protection.
“DEP prefers not to do #4, that would be a last option,” McCoach said.
McCoach said, immediately, they need to update a incremental breach analysis, inundation map, and emergency action plan.
“The incremental breach analysis, what that does is it studies the dam and says if it overtops, here’s what damage it’s going to cause,” McCoach said. “The inundation map would show where that damage would go to.”
McCoach presented a proposal for the updates which would cost $14,200.
“That would get us the first step of what they [DEP] need done,” McCoach said.
Council President Joe Boris asked about grants, which McCoach said one has already been applied for.
“DEP is pleased with the approach, they’re happy we’re moving in the right direction,” McCoach said.
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