Drainage Project subject of debate at Ringtown Borough Council special meeting

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL FILE - Ringtown Borough Hall, seen in 2017.
RINGTOWN – Ringtown Borough Council held a special meeting on Friday, May 19, to discuss a drainage project on East Main Street in the borough.
Council members in attendance brought up concerns ranging from property rights to the effectiveness of the project to the cost.
“If we can’t do it right, and do it curb to curb, and get some curb there so we (residents of East Main Street) don’t have a water problem, why can’t we table it until we get more money and do it right?” Councilman Jim Compton said.
”When we did the (previous study), it was almost $200,000 just to do the curb cuts and stuff to do this side-to-side. When are we going to get $200,000? We can’t even get $50,000 to work on drains and stuff, they (the commonwealth) keep on telling us no.” Council President Julian Milewski said.
“I don’t see how we can do the project when we don’t even know who’s land we’re going to be going on.” said Councilman Dave Seresky
“Well, we went through that, and everything will be coming down from Bauer’s side.” said Milewski.
“That’s what you guys said.” said Seresky
“Well, Jack passed on it, I believe he said it was okay, right?” said Milewski, confirmed by Borough Project Engineer Jacqueline Peleschak
“And then what happens when it’s proven wrong, or if it’s proven wrong?” said Seresky,
“I don’t know. One step at a time.” said Milewski.
After discussion, Milewski requested a motion to “let the bid.” Councilman Peg Thompson motioned, seconded by Compton. Voting for were Thompson, Seresky, and Milewski. Against was Seresky.
The project is expected to cost around $50,000.
The drainage project was the only item on the agenda for Friday’s special meeting.
Absent from Friday’s meeting was Councilman Thomas Murray and Mayor Albert Breznik.
Ringtown Borough Council’s next meeting will be on Monday, June 12 at 6:30pm at Borough Hall, 31 South Center Street.