Divine Mercy Parish hosts 103rd Our Lady of Mount Carmel procession

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SENTINEL PHOTO - The 103rd Our Lady of Mount Carmel procession travels down West Lloyd Street on July 16, 2017.
SHENANDOAH – Sunday morning, residents of Shenandoah, parishioners from the Divine Mercy Parish, among others, processed through the streets of Shenandoah’s west side as part of the 103rd Annual Our Lady of Mount Carmel procession.
The event followed the parish’s 9:00am mass, travelling from the parish to the Glover’s Hill section of the borough and back, winding through side streets and alleyways.
Some families carried homemade “cintas,” or small shrines, some of which have passed from generation to generation, while other families volunteered for the honor of carrying the statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel or the canopy held over the statue.
Residents and parishioners alike made donations to the parish by pinning dollar bills to the statue as it passed through town.
The procession was led by a Shenandoah Police escort and the Upper Schuylkill Marching Band, and was followed by a Shenandoah Ambulance chase vehicle.
EMTs and ambulances from Shenandoah Ambulance were staged throughout the parade route.
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