DEP, EMA visit site of Park Place cave-in

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - A mine subsidence in the backyard of the Quick residence in Park Place is seen on Dec. 16, 2024.
PARK PLACE – State authorities were at the scene of a mine subsidence in Park Place this morning that swallowed an in-ground swimming pool whole.
The Schuylkill County Office of Emergency Management said they were notified around 2am of a 50′ by 70′ subsidence in the backyard of 267 Park Place Road in Mahanoy Township.
The Quicks told the Sentinel overnight that the subsidence occurred around midnight and sounded “like a bad thunderstorm.”

John W. Blickley, Director of the Schuylkill County Office of Emergency Management, said there was no impact to the Quick residence or to utilities.
The office notified the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency and followed up with the resident and visited the home Monday morning.
Officials from the DEP Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation was also on site Monday morning inspecting the subsidence. Mahanoy City’s Citizens Fire Co. aerial truck was requested to assist in taking photos.
Firefighters from the Citizens were at the scene overnight as well.

The subsidence swallowed an in-ground swimming pool, leaving only a portion of the liner and pipes leading into the cave-in.
It is just 10 yards east of where a similar subsidence opened up in 2016, nearly claiming the Quick home.
DEP did not immediately return a request for comment.