Demolition begins on collapsing east end bar

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - Demolition progress on the former bar building at Centre and White Streets on Oct. 8, 2020.
SHENANDOAH – A bar on the east end is coming down after the building suffered a severe collapse in August.
The building at North White and East Centre Streets had been vacant for decades. Previously it was a bar.
A major structural collapse at the northeast corner of the building left the west wall bowing out towards White Street, prompting the borough to barricade the sidewalk.

Crews from AMC Demolition had much of the structure razed by midday Thursday.
Borough Manager Tony Sajone told the Sentinel that the demolition is being undertaken by the building’s owner, Mohammad Raza, of Manassas, Virginia, at his own cost.
Sajone said that Raza has been cooperative with the borough since the collapse, visiting town shortly after.