Borough takes over maintenance of clock outside American Legion

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - The clock outside the A.P. Damato American Legion in downtown Shenandoah.
SHENANDOAH – Shenandoah Borough has taken on the responsibility of maintaining the clock outside the Anthony P. Damato American Legion Post 792 in downtown Shenandoah.
Council approved the matter at the September borough council meeting.
The American Legion post sent a letter to council saying they could no longer afford the maintenance agreement of $567 a year along with their other bills.
They provided the contact information for the company that conducts the maintenance on the clock — Verdin Co. of Cincinnati, Ohio — for the borough if they’d be interested in taking over the agreement.
Council approved taking on the responsibility, and maintenance is done twice a year.
“It’s a good thing to do,” Council President Joe Boris said.
Verdin Co. installed the clock in 2008, which was billed as a town clock at the time and is electric and timed by satellite.
It was an addition added around when the Veterans Memorial Park was constructed and when the mural alongside the Damato Post was painted.