Borough stresses importance of census amid low response numbers

SHENANDOAH – Borough officials and community leaders took time during Monday’s borough council meeting to stress the importance of responding to the 2020 Census, noting the borough has one of the lowest response rates in the county.
“For every person that we do not county, we lose $2,098, per person, per year for ten years,” said Mary Luscavage, Downtown Shenandoah, Inc. manager.
Luscavage noted that only about 34% of Shenandoah residents have responded.
“We’re the lowest in the county that has had a response,” Luscavage said.
“We do need to get the Census filled out and sent in,” said Council President Gordon Slater. “All it could do is help the borough.”
Officials worry that the money lost over the course of the next decade could be a massive detriment to the borough.
“You can call them… there’s, you can go online and do it,” said Luscavage. “Really, it only takes five minutes. It doesn’t take long at all.”
Information on how to respond to the Census can be found at their website here: