Borough police put bodycams to use; license plate readers coming soon

SHENANDOAH – Borough police officers are now equipped with body cameras on each call, and will soon have license plate readers for their cruisers.
Borough Council approved the purchase of the automatic license plate readers from Vigilant Solutions at a cost of $79,025.
Council President Joe Boris said the purchase will be made using police forfeiture funds and the readers will be received in about 30 days.
Currently, borough police have to call a license plate number in via radio to the Schuylkill County Communications Center. With the readers, if there is some issue with a plate — if it is reported stolen, wanted in connection with a crime, or simply expired — officers will know almost immediately.
“It is expensive, but it’s a really good thing for us,” Boris said.
Bodycams in use
Capt. Travis Bowman said at the meeting that the department’s body cameras have been in use “for about a week now.”
“Every officer will be wearing them to each call,” Bowman said.
He said that the hardware and software is in order and appears to be working properly.
Borough Manager Tony Sajone extended gratitude to Tom Twardzik, owner of Mrs. T’s Pierogies, who was in attendance. His foundation put up the $17,000 to purchase the cameras in January.
“We appreciate all you do for the town, especially for these guys now,” Sajone said, prompting a round of applause from the room.
“Stay safe,” Twardzik said to Bowman.