Borough could be forced to bring back recycling

SHENANDOAH – Shenandoah may have to bring back its recycling program, cut several years ago, according to a letter sent to the borough and read at Monday night’s council meeting.
The borough was informed that they are out of compliance with Act 101 of 1988, the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling, and Waste Reduction Act.
“Your municipality is above the population threshold that requires recycling to be offered for everyone,” the letter read, according to councilman J.P. Dombrosky.
According to the act, municipalities with more than 5,000 people but less than 10,000 people, with a population density of more than 300 people per square mile, are required to implement a source-separation and collection program for recyclable materials.
A short discussion followed, regarding places where recycled materials could be taken, including facilities in Hamburg and Coal Township.
“We’d do it as we did before, single stream where everything goes together,” Borough Manager Tony Sajone said.
The matter was tabled until next month’s meeting while the particulars are straightened out.
In other business, Mayor Andrew Szczyglak warned against saving parking spaces via cones, chairs, or any other items.
Szczyglak said borough police will be instructed to move such items to the sidewalk if they see them, and, if it continues, borough workers may haul the items away.
Borough police are also cracking down on the illegal use of ATVs and dirtbikes on borough streets.
“Our police officers are told they’re not allowed to chase the individual, but if there’s somehow they can get them or find out where they live, they can take care of the situation that way,” Szczyglak said. “Our police are out working on that problem.”
Borough council also recognized three residents for a recent litter clean-up effort on the Gold Star Highway — Allen Palubinsky, Eric Becker, and Archie Drumheller.
In other business, borough council:
- Approved the repository sale of four properties, with a demolition-only condition
– 210-212 West Lloyd
– 138 North White
– 121 North West
– 118 North White - Approved a handicapped parking application for 149 West Washington
- Approved putting three borough-owned lots out for bid
– 233 West Oak
– 316 West Chester
– 434-436-438 West Mount Vernon - Approved the termination of “Employee D”
- Approved hiring Mark Hysock full-time
- Approved a can collection for the Shenandoah Teener League May 7 from 3:30pm to 6:30pm
- Approved the Columbia Hose block party for June 4 and 5
- Approved the Quarterback Club’s can collection May 28 from 4:30pm to 7:00pm
- Approved the Junior Blue Devils Cheer Camp at Bicentennial Park July 10, 11, 17, 18, 24, and 25 from 10am to 2pm