Borough approves purchase of trees to beautify Bicentennial Park

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL FILE - The sign at the Bridge Street side of Bicentennial Park.
SHENANDOAH – Borough council approved the purchase of 55 tree seedlings from the Sweet Arrow Lake County Park’s annual tree sale to be planted at Bicentennial Park.
Katie Catizone, chair of the parks and recreation committee, requested the purchase at Monday night’s meeting.
She said the trees will cost $125 and are a variety of species.
They will be planted along the pathway through the park, at the entrance near Ateeco, along the fenceline between the park and the junkyard property, and in various locations throughout the park’s recreational area.
Catizone said trees include 30 red cedars, 10 red oak, 10 pin oak, and 10 shrubs.