Basket / gift card auction to be held in Girardville, benefiting Louanne Olson
Sentinel Staff Reports
GIRARDVILLE – About a month from now, a basket/gift card auction will be held in Girardville, benefiting a borough woman and her battle with stage four cancer.
The auction will benefit Love for Louanne, helping Louanne Olson, and will be held on July 7 at borough hall.
Doors open at 10am, and the auction starts at 1pm. Cost is $5 per sheet of tickets, or five sheets for $20. Each sheet equals 25 chances, plus a door prize chance.
Chances for a 50~50 drawing and a lottery ticket basket will also be sold. 50~50 chances cost $1 each, same for the lottery ticket baskets. Six lottery ticket basket chances can also be purchased for $5.
Food and drink will also be sold.
Come out and support a community member who spent her life helping others.