Barry crash sends four to hospital via heli

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - The scene of Thursday's crash in Barry Township.
TAYLORVILLE – A crash near this Barry Township village sent four people to the hospital via helicopter yesterday afternoon.
The crash happened around 6:00pm Thursday on Route 901 between Black Creek Road and Taylorsville Road.
State Police at the scene had little information to share, though said that four people were flown to the hospital.

The trooper said all were stable, but seriously injured.
Two vehicles — a Subaru and a Kia — were mangled after the crash and rescue efforts.
All four people were trapped in the cars, according to radio communications, and firefighters removed the roof of both cars to get the patients out.

Firefighters from Fountain Springs, Gordon, Lavelle, Ashland, and Minersville responded to the scene along with medic units from Shenandoah, Ashland, Hegins, Minersville, and Area Services. Assisting with traffic control was Mount Carmel Township Fire Police.
A landing zone was established at the Church of the Nazarene in Lavelle, where four helicopters — Geisinger LifeFlights 5 and 1 and Lehigh Valley Health Network MedEvacs 4 and 7 — landed.
State Police said, as of 7:00pm yesterday, a forensic services unit and crash reconstruction team were on their way from Reading to investigate.
No further information has been released as of midday Friday.