Bank becomes business center in Frackville

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - Confetti flies as the ribbon is cut on the new Frackville Business Center.
FRACKVILLE – About four years after it closed, a bank building in the mountain city has new life.
The Schuylkill County business community gathered Thursday to formally cut the ribbon on the Frackville Business Center at Lehigh and Arch Streets.
The former M&T Bank, Linda Yeich and Christine Holman formed a partnership to develop a business center in the property.

They both operate businesses within — Yeich has Northeast PA Settlement and Holman has her law office — and graciously opened their doors to neighbor Pam Tomko, a counselor, when her office across the street burned, helping her stay in business “without missing a beat.”
Also in the building is Realty World We Get Results, owned by Wendy Knorr, and Dave Pedron’s insurance agency.
It was built as the Pennsylvania National Bank in the 1970s, which eventually became M&T Bank through mergers and acquisitions.