News ‘Predator priests’ named in grand jury report tied to, committed acts in Northern Schuylkill August 15, 2018 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Mahanoy City Mahanoy City hires secretary, appoints two to Civil Service Commission August 15, 2018 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Downtown Vernalis Restaurant to celebrate 70 years in downtown Shenandoah August 12, 2018 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Frackville Frackville teens to address Teener field drainage for senior project August 10, 2018 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Sports Ringtown man wins United States Bowling Congress Senior Championship August 10, 2018 Kaylee Lindenmuth
West End Shenandoah Fire, Police investigate partial building collapse on West Arlington August 8, 2018 Kaylee Lindenmuth
Frackville Mahanoy City Shenandoah Northern Schuylkill communities come together for National Night Out August 7, 2018 Kaylee Lindenmuth
North Union Township Tree lands on passing vehicle, power lines near Nuremberg; None injured August 6, 2018 Kaylee Lindenmuth