Ashland Night Out turnout ‘phenomenal,’ extinguisher giveaway a ‘home run’

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - Ashland's Community Night Out on August 13, 2024.
ASHLAND – “Phenomenal, incredible,” and “awesome” were among the words community leaders here used to describe the turnout and success of Ashland’s first Community Night Out in several years.
The event — a joint venture of the Ashland Police Department and Ashland Fire Department — was held Tuesday evening at Memorial Field in the borough.
First responders and community organizations from the Ashland area and beyond were all set up at the field offering information on what they do, demonstrations, and much more.

“It does your heart good,” Ashland Fire Chief Phil Groody said. “The work that was put into it paid off. It’s for the people’s sake. It’s good for the people to get together, come out and talk.”
“They can see what the community is all about,” Groody continued. “It’s not just about the fire trucks, it’s about word community.”
“You pretty well touch all walks of life” across the vendors, Groody said.
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources were among the state organizations there. They brought Smoky the Bear, who was a crowd favorite.
“The turnout is phenomenal,” Ashland Police Chief Ger Daley said. “Just incredible.”
Groody said the event had previously been run by the Ashland Crime Watch.
It ended during the COVID-19 pandemic, Daley said.
“The people that ran it prior did a spectacular job,” Daley said.
“Myself, the police department and the fire department got together and we just wanted to go as big as we possibly could,” and the move from downtown Ashland to Memorial Field was part of that effort.
The Ashland Elks Lodge, through a grant from the National Elks Foundation, gave away fire extinguishers. Though planned in advance, the giveaway came one day after Groody said a man’s quick action with one saved lives and a duplex.

Mikki Kaufman, Elks Treasurer, said they purchased $4,000 worth of extinguishers to give away at the event.
“It’s all thanks to the Elks National Foundation,” she said.
“It complements the fire companies that are here, more safety awareness,” Jack Rockwell, Elks Secretary, said. They also gave out carbon monoxide detectors as well.
Groody called the giveaway a “home run” and said talks are underway to bring it back next year.
Free hot dogs, donated by the American Legion, and free pierogies, donated by Mrs. T’s Pierogies, were served up.
Pierogy Man also paid a visit to the event, posing for photos with Smoky the Bear.