Ashland, Frackville youth football players recognized at NS game

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - The Ashland Black Diamonds and Frackville Mountaineers welcome the North Schuylkill Spartans onto the field for the third quarter of Friday's game.
FOUNTAIN SPRINGS – Before the Black Diamonds and Mountaineers take to the turf at Spartan Stadium on Sunday, they were in the spotlight at halftime during Friday’s North Schuylkill game.
The youth football squads and cheerleaders in Ashland and Frackville play their annual league matchup at Spartan Stadium, giving the youngsters their first chance to play on their future high school’s home field. That matchup is this Sunday.
But, during halftime Friday, the football players and cheerleaders were brought on the field to be recognized and, afterward, welcomed the Spartans back onto the field for the second half of play.