Ashland borough hires part-time cop, sells dump truck
By Kaylee Lindenmuth
ASHLAND – Among the items handled at Wednesday’s meeting of Ashland Borough Council were the sale of a dump truck and the hiring of a police officer.
Borough manager Ray Jones opened bids seeking to purchase the borough’s 2006 GMC dump truck, and council voted to sell the truck to the highest bidder — Jason Stevens — for $4,588.88. Two bids were received.
Borough police chief Gerard Daley requested borough council hire Elizabeth Raibeck, of Schuylkill Haven, as a part-time officer.
“She is currently a park ranger at Shikellamy State Park, who applied here, and will be able to provide quite a number of hours towards Ashland to try to pick up some of the loose ends that we have,” Daley said.
In other business, borough council:
- Accepted the multimodal transportation grant the borough received for improvements downtown,
- Appointed Brandon McDemus as the borough’s EMA coordinator,
- Approved advertising an update to the property maintenance ordinance,
- Accepted a $7,500 matching grant from DCED to complete a master plan for the 700 block of Centre Street.