Another police chief out at East Union
SHEPPTON – For the second time this year, East Union Township is looking for a new police chief.
Chief Chris Dimmick tendered his resignation, which township supervisors will vote on at a special meeting this Thursday at 4:30pm at the municipal building in Sheppton.
Supervisors are also expected to vote on advertising for a replacement and naming an officer-in-charge in the interim.
Dimmick has been top cop since May and was previously a sergeant with the department.
He succeeded Chief Thomas “TJ” Rentschler, who resigned in March. Rentschler also served at the time — and continues to serve — as police chief in Mahanoy City.
East Union Township had three officers on the payroll in August — Dimmick full-time and Doug Litwhiler, and Scott Michalesko part-time.
When will Pennsylvania start using county Sheriff’s as police. Do you really think a 4 man PD is efficient?