After five years, Shenandoah officially has borough manager

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL FILE - Tony Sajone shortly after he was hired as borough supervisor/manager in 2020.
SHENANDOAH – The borough officially has a manager once again.
Anthony Sajone was welcomed by Shenandoah Borough Council at their monthly meeting Monday evening, held at borough hall and streamed via Zoom.
“I think he’s doing a pretty good job so far,” said Council President Gordon Slater.
Sajone, 59, of the borough’s west end, began working for the borough on April 27.
“It’s been challenging, but I’m learning a lot,” Sajone said. “Joe [Palubinsky, ex-borough manager] has been mentoring me, and he’s been a tremendous asset.”
Sajone replaces Palubinsky, who resigned as borough manager in 2015 but remained at the borough as a consultant and as secretary/treasurer. Palubinsky’s last day in that capacity will be June 26, council decided.
A borough native, Sajone sees the position as a way to give back to the town he’s called home.
Priorities for the borough, he said, involve tackling blight, improving infrastructure, and drawing investment to the borough.
“I think if we get the infrastructure straightened out, that will bring investment into the town,” Sajone said. “You’ve got to separate yourself from every other community in the area.”