Shenandoah Chamber hears update on Pumpy revitalization

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL FILE - The Pumping Station Dam in April of 2020.

SHENANDOAH – At Thursday morning’s meeting, the Greater Shenandoah Area Chamber of Commerce heard an update on the effort to revitalize the Pumping Station Dam.

Lou Truskowsky, president of the chamber, circulated a petition at the meeting for members to express support for the effort.

The dam, affectionately known by locals as the Pumpy, is located halfway between Brandonville and Girard Manor in East Union Township and has been owned by Shenandoah borough since the early 20th century.

Truskowsky described it as a “beautiful fishing spot” at one time. Until 2010, the area was a fishing and recreation area for the region with a trout hatchery.

A group, including Truskowsky, has been mustering support for an effort to revitalize the area for the past few months, hoping to bring activity, including fishing and camping, to the dam.

Truskowsky said the group has been in contact with the borough and state legislators as well.

Shenandoah Borough Manager Tony Sajone told the Sentinel Thursday that the group has been in touch as it organizes its efforts, though the borough is not directly involved.

Sajone said he thought the return of the recreation area is a good idea, and welcomes the exploratory efforts.

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