Shen. Library holding pie sale

SHENANDOAH – The Shenandoah Area Free Public Library, 15 West Washington Street, is participating in the sale of Deppen pies by the libraries of the Pottsville Library District.

The nine-inch pies are $12 each and the variety includes blueberry crumb, apple crumb, strawberry rhubarb crumb, cherry crumb, double crust blueberry, double crust apple, double crust peach, double crust strawberry, shoofly, coconut custard, lemon sponge and no-sugar apple.

People in the Shenandoah library’s service area may order by stopping at the library or calling the library at 570-462-9829 or also by stopping at the 116 N. Main St. office of the revitalization group Downtown Shenandoah Inc., call 570-462-2060.

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