LL BASEBALL: Elks edge Phoenix in nailbiter, 4-3

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - A Phoenix runner slides into home to score as an Elks defender attempts to tag him.
FRACKVILLE – Early on, neither team could seem to find an advantage Wednesday evening under the lights in Frackville, though it was the home team that would take the victory.
Shenandoah’s Phoenix Fire Co. Little League team traveled down to Frackville to take on their Elks team at the Little League complex on High Street.
An inside-the-park home run gave the Elks an early score, though Phoenix kept the game close throughout.

A late score gave the Elks an advantage Phoenix was unable to overcome, guaranteeing the home team’s victory.
This Friday, the Elks will travel to Shenandoah to face the Polish American Fire Co. team at 5:30pm, while Phoenix will remain in Frackville, facing the Whipps at 5:15pm.