Mahanoy Area School Board approves reconfiguration ; School Board Recap

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SENTINEL PHOTO - The Mahanoy Area School Board on February 23rd, 2017.
MAHANOY TOWNSHIP – The Mahanoy Area Middle School will be no more in the 2017-2018 school year. The Mahanoy Area School Board approved a resolution to reconfigure the school district into a two-school district, with a K-6 Elementary and a 7-12 Junior/Senior High School.
This change comes in response to falling enrollment – 260 students in the past 10 years – and under-utilization of district facilities, according to district Superintendent Joie Green.
Mahanoy Area was one of six school districts in Schuylkill County with a middle school, and was the smallest district of that group. The other two schools in upper Schuylkill County, Shenandoah Valley and North Schuylkill, have Junior/Senior High Schools.
In other business, the Mahanoy Area School Board approved the following:
- The 2017-2018 Schuylkill Technology Center Secondary Budget.
- Repository Sale of the following properties
– 400 West Center Street, Mahanoy City
– 400 East South Street, Mahanoy City
– 34 West Spruce Street, Mahanoy City
– Parcel #48-01-0019.000 in Mahanoy City
– 124 East Center Street, Mahanoy City
– Parcel #48-01-0020.000 in Mahanoy City
– 27 West Maple Street, Mahanoy City - The sale of a surplus 1987 Ford E-250 van for $250 to Lenny Zakrewsky of Barnesville.
- Membership in the Berks County Joint Purchasing Board at a cost of $175
- Contract Extension with Source4Teachers for a four year period
- Authorized administration to solicit bids for trash removal.
- Accepted the resignation of Mary Ann Barlow of Frackville as a Special Education Teaching Assistant effective February 10th, 2017.
- Appointed Gianna Cordasco of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, as a full time substitute effective January 25th 2017 until the end of the 2016-2017 school year at a rate of $205.10 per day.
- Accepted the retirement of Gloria Honushefsky of Mahanoy City as a part-time cafeteria server, effective at the end of the 2016-2017 school year.
- Approved the use of the Mickey Holland and Joe Alansky Gymnasiums on March 17th, 18th, 19th, 24th, 25th, and 26th for youth biddy basketball tournaments.
- Approved the Mahanoy Area Marching Band and the use of the district parking lot for the annual Mahanoy City Memorial Day parade on Monday, May 29th, 2017, with formation beginning at 10:30.
- Approved the use of the district pool for a birthday party on April 2nd, 2017 from 12 noon to 2:00pm
- Approved the second reading of two policy changes.
- Accepted the resignation of Jon Shirvinski as head coach for the 7th and 8th grade track team, effective February 6th, 2017.
- Approved the appointment of Paul Babinsky and Allison Kline as co-coaches for the 7th and 8th grade track teams at a salary of $1,544.67 each.
- Approved the appointment of Kris Bet of Barnesville as a volunteer softball coach
- Approved a co-op agreement with North Schuylkil for Girls’ Soccer.