Local students place in Skills USA District 6 competition

PHOTO COURTESY - Schuylkill Technology Centers - Schuylkill County students at the Skills USA District 6 competition in Williamsport.
By Kaylee Lindenmuth
WILLIAMSPORT, Lycoming County – Three local students earned first place honors in their respective categories at the Skills USA District 6 competition, while eight others placed in the top three.
The competition was held at the Pennsylvania College of Technology in Wiliamsport, Lycoming County on January 26, where students used skills they learned at the Schuylkill Technology Center to compete against other students within north-central Pennsylvania.
“SkillsUSA is a national student organization that develops employability, participatory and leadership skills to complement the occupational skills developed by students in technical education classrooms or work-based learning sites,” reads part of the organization’s website.
Shenandoah Valley’s Emily Papa earned first place in the Health Knowledge Bowl, while Mahanoy Area’s Maddi Kufro placed first in the nursing assistant contest. North Schuylkill’s Ryan Thurs placed at the top of the chart in Action Skills (Culinary). All three advance to the state competition to be held in April, alongside William Simmons, of North Schuylkill, who recieved a bye to states in Welding Sculpture.
At the competition, Schuylkill County students competed against students from the following schools: Keystone Central CTC, Columbia Montour AVTS, Lycoming Career & Technology Center, Milton Area High School, Northern Tier Career Center, Northumberland County CTC, Pennsylvania College of Technology, SUN Area Technical Institute, and Wellsboro Area High School, Willamsport.
Other local placements: 2nd Place:
Johana Argueta, Shenandoah Valley, Crime Scene Investigation.
Katarina Quick, Shenandoah Valley, Carpentry.
John Wiekrykas, Mahanoy Area, Electronic Tech.
3rd Place:
Emily Fetterolf, North Schuylkill, Early Childhood Education.
Zach Uholik, Shenandoah Valley, Industrial Motor
Mikayla Fazio, North Schuylkill, Esthetics.
Serenity Mallick, North Schuylkill, Esthetics Model.
Gaige Blashock, North Schuylkill, Customer Service.
Honorable Mention
Makenzie Harrington, Shenandoah Valley, Restaurant Service.
Jayden Gaffney, North Schuylkill, Culinary Arts.