Massive mine subsidence claims pool at home nearly claimed by ’16 cave-in

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - A mine subsidence is seen where the Quick family's pool once was in Park Place on Dec. 16, 2024.
PARK PLACE – A massive mine subsidence swallowed an in-ground pool in this Mahanoy Township village not far from where another subsidence in 2016 nearly claimed the home.
The 75-foot by 45-foot hole opened up around midnight at the Quick residence at 267 Park Place Road.
Tracey Quick said the sound of the cave-in was akin to “a bad thunderstorm.”
No one was hurt, but the family’s in-ground pool is completely gone and the subsidence encroached on a shed early Monday morning.

Mahanoy City’s Citizens Fire Co. responded and relayed information to the Schuylkill County Emergency Management Agency.
The subsidence is about 10 yards east of where a similar sized cave-in nearly took the Quick residence in 2016.
The Quicks are staying elsewhere for the night and mining authorities are expected to be in contact with the family later Monday.