UGI dropping purchased gas rates by 3% beginning in March, announces work in Hazleton

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL FILE - A UGI Utilities worker at a house fire in Ashland in 2020.
FRACKVILLE – Area residents with direct natural gas service will see their bills come down, again, in March.
UGI Utilities, which covers Frackville, Ashland, Hazleton, and other area communities that still have natural gas service, announced this week that its purchased gas cost rates will drop on March 1.
That, they say, will lead to a 3% decrease for the average residential heating customer.
“As natural gas supply pricing has continued to drop, UGI is pleased to pass the savings on to customers purchasing supply from UGI,” Paul Szykman, UGI Chief Regulatory Officer, said in a media release. “This rate decrease follows a significant drop in December and is benefiting our customers during the winter heating season. Natural gas continues to be a safe, reliable, low carbon and increasingly more affordable energy choice.”
By law, utilities are required to pass the cost of the natural gas they purchase directly through to customers without any markup.
Despite this decrease, UGI recognizes some customers may have difficulty paying their heating bill. The Company offers budget billing, as well as multiple payment options such as via UGI’s online account center and app, as well as an auto-pay program to assist customers in managing bill payments.
In addition, customers with a limited or fixed income should visit or call UGI at 1-800-UGI-WARM to determine if they are eligible for one of several energy assistance programs. Further, UGI can assist eligible customers in applying for federally funded Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) grants.
This week’s decrease comes months after a 20% purchased gas cost rate decrease in December.
UGI serves Ashland, Frackville, and Hazleton, among others, in our area. Shenandoah and Mahanoy City do not have natural gas service.
UGI also announced that they plan to begin gas main replacement projects on March 1 along several streets in Hazleton.
The work will impact the following streets:
- Peace Street between West 6th Street and West 10th Street
- West 7th Street between Peace Street and Grant Street
- West 8th Street between Peace Street and Hanover Court
- West 10th Street between Peace Street and Clinton Court
Construction is scheduled for Monday through Friday, between the hours of 7am and 5pm.
Drivers, residents, and business owners may experience road closures, detours, and traffic delays during construction hours.
Parking will also be restricted on the impacted streets during these hours.
There will be some interruptions to natural gas service. This will require UGI to have access to properties to inspect and relight equipment.
Construction is scheduled to be completed by early May. Weather and working conditions may impact completion date.