Mahanoy discusses, approves financial incentives for teachers to earn certifications
MAHANOY CITY – Teachers in the Mahanoy Area School District can now be reimbursed for all coursework necessary to obtain a full certification, if necessary.
“The district will reimburse anyone who we ask to be on an interim or emergency certification for their credits,” Superintendent Dr. Joie Green told the board Thursday night. “However, if they leave [the district], they need to pay us that money back until the contract is over.”
The provision is through a memorandum of understanding with the Mahanoy Area Education Association which will permit the reimbursements through the end of the current contract.
Under the current contract, only nine credits are reimbursable, though some certifications require 12 or more credits.
The provision pertains to teachers on an interim or emergency certification, and, once they receive their full certification, the nine credit provision would then be in place.
“This is also for anybody that we ask to move into a position [they are not certified for] get that certification,” Green said. “It’s not just for those getting a Level 1 certificate, it’s also those that we ask to move.”
Mahanoy Area, like other schools, has struggled to attract qualified and certified teachers and six teachers are on an emergency certification, allowing them to teach for two years before they have to have a full certification.
In other business, the school board approved:
- The following repository sales:
- 520 East Railroad Street, Mahanoy City, to the Borough of Mahanoy City for $1;
- 524 East Railroad Street, Mahanoy City, to the Borough of Mahanoy City for $1;
- The 2023-24 school year bus stops;
- The following lifeguards for the 2023-24 school year:
- Kendall Bernardyn;
- Madison Cavenas;
- Angelina Fritz;
- Jake Hillibush;
- Meghan Macleary;
- Justina McKenzie;
- Oceana O’Boyle;
- Maddison Quick;
- Kiera Van Horn;
- Leah Van Horn;
- The following drivers for the 2023-24 school year:
- Jennie Baione;
- Patrick Birster;
- Jason Burke;
- Kimberely Butcavage;
- Dina Cayeb-Flores;
- Albert Chiglinsky;
- Alesha Duffy;
- Thomas Flamini;
- Willis Garber;
- Roy Hicks;
- Janet Hower;
- Joseph Kalista;
- Paul Long;
- Sherri McPherson;
- Michele Moyer;
- Diane Rachuck;
- James Rettzo;
- Marianne Shapansky;
- Maria Williams;
- Staysel Veras-Lopez
- An agreement with the LCCC SHINE Program to provide meals for the 2023-24 school year at a cost of $4 per meal;
- The appointment of Allison Kline, Barnesville, as Elementary School Chorus Director at a salary of $750;
- The appointment of Allison Kline, Barnesville, as Jr./Sr. High School Chorus Director at a salary of $2,590.45;
- The Elementary School Improvement Plan;
- The addition of a Title One Chairperson to the MAEA contract at a salary of $1,700.56, and the job description thereof;
- The appointment of James Kane, Barnesville, as a mentor for the 2023-24 school year at a salary of $500;
- An FMLA absence;
- An unpaid leave of absence;
- The Federal Fiscal compliance policy;
- A Travel reimbursement policy for federal programs;
- The appointment of Allyson Babinsky, Barnesville, as a girls basketball volunteer;
- The appointment of Thomas Smith, Barnesville, as a cross country volunteer;
- The resignation of Kyle Coslett, Wilkes-Barre, as assistant athletic director;
- The appointment of Allison Kline, Barnesville, as Elementary School General Music Teacher at Master’s Salary Step 16 ($60,805) pending release from her current employer;
- The appointment of Elizabeth Berger, Lebanon, as a secondary science teacher at Bachelor’s Salary Step 1 ($45,315) on an emergency certification;
- The resignation of Kelsey Coslett, Wilkes-Barre, as Elementary K-1st Learning Support teacher, effective within 60 days of her replacement;
- The resignation of Vanessa Linkchorst, Mahanoy City, as Elementary 6th Grade teacher, effective within 60 days of her replacement;
- The resignation of Elizabeth Brodie, Pitman, as Speech Language Pathologist, effective within 60 days of her replacement;
- The resignation of Dane Huntzinger, Valley View, as Secondary Science Teacher, effective within 60 days of his replacement;
- The resignation of Stephen Bolish, Mahanoy City, as a full-time utility/maintenance employee;
- The reclassification of Craig Stine, Schuylkill Haven, as a full-time school police administrator at a salary of $76,500;