Garage fire under investigation on southside

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SHENANDOAH SENTINEL - First responders at the scene of Wednesday's garage fire on West Atlantic Street in Shenandoah.
SHENANDOAH – A State Police fire marshal is investigating a garage fire late Wednesday on Shenandoah’s southside.
Crews were called to the 200 block of West Atlantic Street just before 11pm for a reported fire.
Smoke could be seen across town as flames burned in a garage at 229-231 West Atlantic.
Firefighters from Shenandoah, Frackville, and Mahanoy City made quick work of the blaze, bringing it under control within minutes of arrival.

No injuries were reported, and Shenandoah Fire Chief Rick Examitas said it was unclear if the garage was occupied.
According to the Schuylkill County Parcel Locator, the garages are part of properties which stretch to Oak Street and include the houses there. Those properties are both owned by West Oak Street, LLC, of Warren, New Jersey, and were purchased by that company in 2022.
Examitas said a State Police fire marshal is investigating the cause.

The chief added that firefighting efforts were hampered by a dumpster which blocked West Atlantic Street near West Street.
Atlantic Street is an alleyway and is posted No Parking Anytime.