Shenandoah Fire, Police investigate partial building collapse on West Arlington

KAYLEE LINDENMUTH / SENTINEL PHOTO - Shenandoah Police and fire marshals take a look at the back end of an apartment building on West Arlington Street in Shenandoah which partially collapsed on Wednesday, August 8, 2018.
By Kaylee Lindenmuth
SHENANDOAH – Shenandoah fire marshals and police officers were called out to investigate the partial collapse of a west end apartment building Wednesday night.
Reported just before 10:00pm, it was found that an abandoned three story building at 527-531 West Arlington Street had partially collapsed, with an exterior wall leaning into an entry way on its western side, towards an unoccupied home next door.

The majority of the western half of the structure had collapsed inward on itself, mostly towards the rear of the property.
According to fire marshals, the building poses no immediate danger to neighbors and passersby on Arlington Street and did not require a closure of the narrow alleyway, as the building is expected to fall inward if it falls again. Though, neighbors are asked to use caution around the building.
Shenandoah Police will monitor the situation overnight, and the borough will be notified in the morning to take action on the matter.